I thought I’d share the article I have written for our upcoming hospital newsletter. Some similar content (first paragraph) to my SMACC review but otherwise a different focus. So pleased to get the opportunity to shout loud and proud on what I see as a learning explosion. In what felt like […]

For the Affirmative… Social Media

In what felt like being part of a spectacular experiment, the SMACC 2013 program launched in style with an opening plenary to end all others, imploring us all to consider what make critical care so different? For the uninitiated, SMACC 2013 was the inaugural Social Media and Critical Care Conference, […]

Talking SMACC – A nurse eye view.

Just a quick follow up from the first post regarding education and quality improvement. The emphasis needs to be on the search for the right metrics when it comes to quality improvement in general, not just in clinical education (the two should be inextricable). What we want, is to decrease […]

Crude data is just crude

Are we saddling clinical education with an unrealistic yoke to carry? First of all, apologies to those who thought this would be cool stuff about gadgets and manikins. About two years ago, I began a relieving post that involved attending hospital governance meetings in an educator capacity. In the first […]

Education, the solution to everything, until everything goes wrong.