We recently had the pleasure to host the Emergency Department Registrars Trauma Workshop. For the station on difficult IV access, the consultants had collectively decided to push the challenge of teaching ultrasound guided deep vessel cannulation. Only problem, how to do it? I found quite a good recipe on youtube: […]

Home Made IV Access Ultrasound Phantom

Part of my role last year, was to pilot and Early Warning and Recognition System (EWARS) into our hospital. This chart and accompanying escalation protocol was often referred to somewhat derisively as a ‘track n trigger obs chart’. This, and the use of the term ‘dummy’ when alluding to a […]

Respiratory Rate and Why SpO2 is Not the Same Thing

First of all, anyone who says they haven’t made a mistake in their professional capacity is most probably: a) lying, b) ignorant, c) lacking insight or d) all of the above (terrifying condition called “terminal insight failure” – no known therapy only palliative measures). It is from our failures that […]

Failure and Resurrection

I was recently lucky enough to stumble upon @sepsissurvivors on Twitter. Her blog is built on a mission to present the collective plight of the survivors of sepsis and the invisibility within the post acute medical care spectrum.

Survivors of Sepsis

We in clinical education can often be guilty of adopting academic terminology and educational theory at a very superficial level. In reading Chris Nickson's recent post, I registered some overt parallels with my experiences in simulation education.

FOAM and Simulation: Kindred spirits in Education