No, I am not asking about how you prefer your toilet paper. In healthcare we use (waste) a whole lot of paper towels. This great video from Joe Smith at TEDx delivers, with great passion, a technique for perfectly dry hands with just one paper towel. Don’t believe it? Neither […]

Are You a Scruncher or a Folder?

I have to say, this was the hardest presentation I have ever delivered. Trying to pitch cardiac axis determination and interpretation at a functional level in the middle of a Cardiac study day. All I can say is thank you very much FOAMed. I took the approach, why try and […]

Cardiac Axis – Presentation

This was an utterly nerve wracking experience. I delivered this presentation as part of a multi-pronged coordinated roll out plan for our hospital Early Warning and Recognition System (track and trigger escalation protocol). Major piece of change management. I delivered this to about 45 managers, directors and senior nursing staff […]

No Such Thing as a Well Patient – Presentation

There have been a number of instances that have prompted me to reflect on how I use social media in the past couple of weeks. It is very easy to barrel along and suddenly create an online presence that yields a 5 page deep list when entering A Google search […]

Reflecting on Your Online Presence

Another from the vault of old presentations. Again, a very text heavy ppt (not something I am overly proud of), but intended for other nurse educators to be able to pick up and use and also, the perioperative and ICU staff I delivered this to, requested to keep it as […]

Uppers, Downers & Squeezers – Presentation