Jesse Spurr
Jesse works clinically as a nurse educator in Brisbane. The vast majority of his 15 year nursing career has revolved around critical care and emergency practice. Jesse is also co-founder and producer of the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital “Five Things Nursing Podcast”. He likes to use his “spare” time doing work in the form of healthcare simulation faculty development consultancy, conference organising, co-producing healthcare simulation podcast Simulcast, producing nursing practice development blog and podcast Injectable Orange, and a manner of other healthcare, research and education activities. Jesse has an academic track record in publications relating to simulation in health care, socia media use for helath professions and online communities of practice. An exercise science graduate, sport and functional fitness tragic, Jesse is a lifelong student of teaching, learning, health and human performance. Jesse’s proudest roles are head cheerleader for his wife, and their adult daughter, and best friend and co-navigator of life to his son living with autism and ADHD.
Disclosures: Injectable Orange has been kindly sponsored by Ausmed Education. This sponsorship extended to providing valuable support in covering the web server, domain-registration and podcast hosting fees for Injectable Orange. Ausmed imposes no influence on post content. Posts referring to the Ausmed CPD app are non-commercial and simply represent the personal endorsement of the quality and usefulness of this free resource.
Neither Jesse, nor any authors on Injectable Orange receive any remuneration for this project. The views and opinions expressed are those of the individual authors alone and do not necessarily reflect those of their respective employers.
Content developed by Injectable Orange is considered under the licence – Creative Commons Attributions Non-Commercial Share Alike
Here is a Jellybean interview that Jesse was nabbed for at SMACCGold (back in 2014). A good way to look back at where it all started and get to know the origin story of Injectable Orange.
Would you like to write for Injectable Orange?
Please don’t hesitate to drop us a line below to discuss projects or collaboration ideas.
I would also like to acknowledge the brilliant photography of young artist David Loveridge, whose image encapsulates the essence of Injectable Orange and I am grateful for the permission to use it.
Hey Jesse,
Good luck with this blog. You were my clinical facilitator in my first hospital nursing clinical placement back in 2010 and I was inspired by your enthusiasm to pass on your knowledge and expertise. I have just started my Graduate RN program and have volunteered for a pilot research simulation project, which, at the moment, I don’t have any more details about except that it involves nursing graduates and medical students. I see you are a Simulation Educator so I was hoping you might pass on some tips or links that may guide me in preparing / participating in this type of project.
Hi Fay. I remember you. I am glad you are getting involved with a simulation project. Where are you working as a new grad? Biggest tip for participating in a sim project is, go into it with an open mind and be prepared to make mistakes. I’d love to hear more about the project. Check out the for a bit more insight into simulation. Also have a look at
Injectable Orange site looking very professional and classy these days!
Hi…I wanted to leave a personal message but i don’t see any contact info
I chanced upon you online and i saw how passionate you are about nursing & healthcare.
I just wanted to share online courses that might be of benefit to you or to someone you know so i hope you don’t mind
The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation (SA Branch) is currently promoting 2 online nursing courses.
1) The Certificate IV Frontline Management:
It is a nationally accredited Management program that focuses on specific roles for both Nurses & Midwives
2) Advanced Diploma Of Nursing
This is perfect if you are registered with the Nursing & Midwifery Board of Australia & hold HLT51612 Diploma of Nursing (Enrolled/Division 2 Nursing) or equivalent.
Please feel free to check-out ANMFA’s official Facebook Page:
it contains relevant information on health issues & activities or interests of the Federation, its members, & those in the sector.
Thanks so much and I’m really hoping this would be of great value to you
Much Love
my name us Niki. I am an Emergency Department and Intensive Care Nurse in the UK…..
I am trying to find a way of moving into a more pre hospital role somehow. I would like to sit the DiDipICM but need more pre hospital care experience. This is tricky being a hospital based Ed nurse. Any advise warmly and gratefully received…..
Hi Jesse
The audio player on doesn’t appear to be working
Thanks for the heads up Chris. All fixed now. No idea what happened there. Maybe a bug with WordPress update.
am in US would love to do guest post as ..”more seasoned” American nurse. Have done 37yrs mostly in OB realm in hospital, clinic and telephone triage. Now doing lots of non nursing writing and advocacy for legal changes. I find no contact button. Will you please contact me? Cheryl
Hi Cheryl,
Major apologies in how long it took me to get back to you. There have been some pretty terminal issues with the LITFL servers and so the site has been down for a good while. I would love to hear your thoughts. I have sent you an email.
Cheers from Jesse at injectable orange.
Greetings Jesse
I hope that this email finds you well.
My name is Darin Abbey we chatted briefly at SMACC about the idea of collaborating on some simulation literature reviews for the injectable orange.
If you are still keen to pursue this idea please let me know.
For a taste of some of the writing and thinking that I do, here is a link to some blogs that I recently penned for a company that I teach with, and to an episode of The SGEM that we did last year:
Nice run into you at the Chicago Art Institute. What an amazing place!
Thank you for what you do.
I look forward.
Love to! Sending you an email. Was great to meet you at SMACC, Darin. Your passion for education shines through. Cheers!