Lose the Egg – Take Off on Twitter

Recently I have been getting asked at increasing frequency, ‘How does Twitter work?’. I invariably give them these resources. Quite frankly, this post is simply curating the links I always end up Googling and giving to colleagues interested in losing their Twitter virginity.

The first, in my go-to series from Prof Rob Rogers @EM_Educator (University of Kentucky EM, iTeachEM and The Teaching Institute and The Teaching Course) is:

Getting Started With Twitter

Once feeling orientated and over the initial shock of another social media account, delve into a bit more of the anatomy of a Tweet:

Twitter Video Series #2

Now you are getting pretty good at this whole Twitter game, check out a bit of the buttonology of the basic Twitter App:

Twitter Video Series #3: The Twitter App

Ok, you are either getting hooked on the “Blue Bird”, ore have ditched it by now. Let’s get piggy and start hashtagging and composing some crowd pleasing Tweets:

Twitter Video Series #4: Tweeting and Hastagging 

Check out the rest of Rob’s Vimeo Channel for more tasty FOAM – https://vimeo.com/iteachem


In addition to Rob’s great Video Tutorials, please do yourself a favour and check out this amazing (and visually stunning) blog post, penned by Paul McNamara @meta4RN, for the Ausmed  Education website:



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